We have recently made the decision to sell on Amazon and Etsy. While our preference is for our customers to buy from our Partners (a list can be found here), or directly from our website, we have seen an increase in LNW parts being counterfeited and cloned and sold on those sites. Because of this, we want to give Amazon and Etsy users the option of buying the real thing, not a cheap fake. Everything we sell was designed by LynchNW and is unique to us. So if you see a part that looks like one of our products but is being sold by a non-Partner seller, know that it is an illegitimate copy and a rip off. When it comes to the counterfeits sold on Amazon and Etsy (often purchased by the resellers off AliExpress or Alibaba), we know that they're often cheaper. When it comes to the counterfeits sold on Amazon and Etsy (often purchased by the resellers off AliExpress or Alibaba), we know that they're often cheaper. But keep in mind the differentiating details: our parts are of original design by us, they're made here in our shop to our specific tolerances by US workers, and they carry a lifetime warranty (valid with proof of purchase).

North American Partners
We are grateful to our partners for their willingness to carry our kit, and are continually working to improve our processes so we can get them more inventory and new designs.