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Thumbnail Filmstrip of Magnetic Knife Collection Displays Images
Magnetic Knife Collection Displays
Hand finished with our proprietary blend of oils and polyurethane to provide a waterproof and
durable surface for years of lasting beauty.
installation of powerful rare earth magnets. The halves are then rejoined concealing the
magnets within.
Knife bolster pockets and base edge details are Lined in black to provide a lifetime of durable
Available in American Cherry, Black Walnut, Maple Burl and Buckeye Burl.
Buckeye Burl grows throughout most of the eastern US and in California on the Buckeye
tree. It is relatively soft and light in weight. The Burl is incredibly beautiful - containing
burl clusters, amazing color variation, and great character. Colors can range from golden
yellow to brown with blackish-blue and even red accents. It is highly sought after for a
wide variety of turning projects as well as knife handles and guitars.
Maple burl is a growth on the big leaf maple tree, Acer macrophyllum. It has a uniform
color with dramatic figure representing large eyes. Popular for pool cues an other
turnery, this wood machines and finishes well.
American Black cherry is a domestic wood that is usually considered to be in the same
class as mahogany for usage in the United States. It is described as wood for fine
furniture. The stiff and strong wood is reported to work easily with both hand and
machine tools. European and American black cherries are reported to be comparable in
many aspects, but the latter is more plentiful. Both species are reported to be strong and
tough and have been compared in strength properties to Yellow birch, and compares
favorably with Teak.
Black Walnut
Walnut is an all-around popular choice for woodworking. It has a fine
texture and works extremely well with hand and power tools. Walnut is prized for use infurniture, cabinets, cutting boards, gunstocks, and a multitude of other projects. It is a
popular choice for turning and carving as well.
Made with care in Spokane, WA by Bitteroot Nets.
14.25" Wide
7.5" Tall
5.5" Deep